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Frictionless check-in – user guide

This document describes how to use Matrix Booking’s frictionless check-in feature.


  1. Introduction

  2. Scan the sticker

  3. Pre-book and check in to a booking

  4. On-demand booking and check in

  5. End a booking early

  6. Error messages


Checking in means that you’ve confirmed that you’re using or going to use that resource. Your booking will be started at the start time of your booking and won’t be auto-cancelled.

Frictionless check-in allows you to book a resource and check in to a booking that has a scannable sticker (both QR code and NFC tag) next to the resource. You can do this by:

Scan the sticker

QR codes and NFC tags work differently and you need to scan them differently to check in to your booking.

Scan the QR codes

To use the QR code on the stickers:

  1. Open your phone’s camera app (older versions of Android may need a QR code scanning app).

  2. Point the camera at the resource’s QR code. You may need to turn your phone’s flash to ensure the QR is sufficiently lit.

  3. Once the QR code is detected, select the link.

  4. This will take you to the login page.

See the Pre-book and check in to a booking section and On-demand booking and check in section to finish checking in.


Tap the NFC tag

To use the NFC tags in your stickers:

  1. Touch your phone for approximately 5 seconds against the sticker. This usually works best when you touch the top of your phone to the sticker at a roughly 45-degree angle.

  2. You’ll know this has worked when you’re either:

    • Taken directly to the login page for Android.

    • A web browser pop-up appears on your iPhone. This will be the browser you have set as default on your iPhone. You need to tap the pop-up to open the login page. If you miss it, tap your phone to the sticker again.

See the Pre-book and check in to a booking and On-demand booking and check in sections to finish checking in.


Pre-book and check in to a booking

You can book and check in to a booking (for example, a meeting room or desk) by either:

  • Booking a resource beforehand and scanning the sticker when you get to your resource to checked in to your booking.

  • Scanning the sticker to an available resource (for example, an empty desk that hasn’t been booked). For more information, see the On-demand booking and check in section.

To pre-book a resource and check in to your booking:

  1. Book the resource you want.

  2. Go to the resource you’ve booked.

  3. Using your mobile phone, scan the sticker next to the resource.

  4. Select the link that is displayed on your phone.

  5. If you haven’t already logged in, you’ll be redirected to the Matrix Booking login page using your phone’s default web browser.


  6. Either:

    • Enter your login details and select Log in.

    • Enter your email address and select Log in with [your organisation’s SSO].

  7. You’ve checked in to your booking.

On-demand booking and check in

You can book and check in to a booking (for example, a meeting room or desk) by either:

  • Booking a resource beforehand and scanning the sticker when you get to your resource to checked in to your booking. For more information, see the Pre-book and check in to a booking section.

  • Scanning the sticker on an available resource (for example, an empty desk that hasn’t been booked). This is called “on-demand”.

To book a resource and check in to a booking straight away (on-demand):

  1. Find the resource you want to use.

  2. Using your mobile phone, scan the sticker next to the resource.

  3. Select the link that is displayed on your phone.

  4. If you haven’t already logged in, you’ll be redirected to the Matrix Booking login page using your phone’s default web browser.


  5. Either:

    • Enter your login details and select Log in.

    • Enter your email address and select Log in with [your organisation’s SSO].

  6. A booking screen will appear.


  7. Select what time you want the booking until using the drop-down list. This depends on if the one of the following is the soonest:

    • The next booking for that resource.

    • The end of the office’s hours.

    • The end of the day.

  8. Enter the booking’s Title.

  9. Select Book and check in.

  10. You’ve booked the resource and checked in to your booking.


End a booking early

If you’ve finished with your resource before the end time has elapsed, you can end a booking early in the same way as you checked in. To end a booking early:

  1. Using your mobile phone, scan the sticker next to the resource that you’ve been using.

  2. Select the link that is displayed on your phone.

  3. If you haven’t already logged in, you’ll be redirected to the Matrix Booking login page using your phone’s default web browser.


  4. An End early screen will appear.


  5. Select End early. An End booking early pop-up will appear.


  6. You’ve ended your booking early. The resource has been released and can be booked by others.


Note: only booking organisers can book, check in to a booking, and end a booking early using the scannable stickers.

Error messages

You may come across an error message whilst using our frictionless check-in feature.

Error message

Why has this happened?

What to do

This [resource] has been booked by someone else.

The scanned resource is already booked by someone else.


  • Book a different resource using the web or mobile apps.

  • Find a different resource and try it’s QR code or NFC tag.

If the issue continues, contact your organisation’s Matrix Booking Administrator. If you don’t know who that is, check the Help section.

This [resource] is not available.

No booking found and resource isn’t available to be booked (for example, the time is out of hours).


  • Book the resource at the time where it’s available using the web or mobile apps.

  • Come back at a time when the resource is available and try it’s QR code or NFC tag again.

If the issue continues, contact your organisation’s Matrix Booking Administrator. If you don’t know who that is, check the Help section.

The code you scanned is not associated with anything.

The resource ID within the URL is invalid.

Try again later.

If the issue continues, contact your organisation’s Matrix Booking Administrator. If you don’t know who that is, check the Help section.

Something went wrong.

Other error (for example, application failure).

Try again later.

If the issue continues, contact your organisation’s Matrix Booking Administrator. If you don’t know who that is, check the Help section.

This [resource] cannot be booked. Please contact your administrator to resolve this issue.

Other error (for example, the booking needs an attendee count).

Contact your organisation’s Matrix Booking Administrator. If you don’t know who that is, check the Help section.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.