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Advanced booking group rules error messages

Questions / Problems

  1. I got an error message trying to set up a group rule in the Advanced booking rules section. What do I do?

  2. My Advanced booking group rules aren’t working.

Answers / Solutions

Error message

Why has this happened?

What to do

Advanced booking rules for Meeting Rooms should have a different period with the furthest out at top and the nearest at the bottom.

A lower priority group was given more time in advance than a higher priority group.

ALT: For example, a higher priority team was given 10 days in advance when a lower priority team was given 11 days in advance.


You need to either:

  • Change the number of days, weeks, or months of either group rule so that the higher priority group has more time in advance.

  • Change the days, weeks, or months using the drop-down list of either group rule so that the higher priority group has more time in advance.

  • Remove the group rule if it isn’t needed.


A lower priority group was given the same amount of time in advance than a higher priority group.

ALT: For example, a higher priority team was given 10 days in advance when a lower priority team was also given 10 days in advance.


You need to either:

  • Change the number of days, weeks, or months of either group rule so that the higher priority group has more time in advance.

  • Change the days, weeks, or months using the drop-down list of either group rule so that the higher priority group has more time in advance.

  • Set up an Advanced group that combines the two groups into one group and have one group rule for the combined groups:

  1. Select (minus) Remove next to the group rules.

  2. Select Save at the bottom of the pop-up.

  3. Set up an Advanced group to combine the two groups.

  4. Set up an Advance booking group rule again for the new advanced group.

  • If you don’t need the rule, select (minus) Remove next to the group rule.

Afterwards, select Save at the bottom of the pop-up.


The group wasn’t assigned in using the Group drop-down list.

ALT: For example, a new group rule has been made, but the group hasn’t been assigned.


  • Select a group from the Group drop-down list and select Save at the bottom of the pop-up.

  • If you don’t need the rule, select (minus) Remove next to the group rule.

  • If you don’t have a group set up, you’ll need to:

  1. Select (minus) Remove next to the group rule.

  2. Select Save at the bottom of the pop-up.

  3. Set up a group.

  4. Set up an Advance booking group rule again.


You’ve tried to book a resource beyond the advanced booking group rule’s specified period.

ALT: For example, the group you’re in isn’t allowed to booking in advance beyond three days and you’ve tried to make your booking for four days in advance.


You need to either:

  • Edit the booking so that it meets the advanced booking group rule that applies to you.

  • Select Cancel and wait until you can make a booking for the resource you wanted.

Note: if any of the above issues continue, raise a support ticket and our Support team will investigate the issue.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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