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Administrator's Guide – Access profiles and user accounts

An access profile is a user account type that has certain amount of access to change the settings and configuration of your Matrix Booking suite of products. This page explains the different access profiles (from least level of access to highest access) and will demonstrate how to create these access profiles.


  1. Provider role

  2. Read-only role

  3. Receptionist role

  4. User role

  5. Location Manager role

  6. Location Administrator role

  7. Administrator role

  8. System Administrator role

Provider role

This is effectively a read-only view that shows a view of any extras or options that have been requested as part of a meeting. For example, catering, a specific type of room layout or a projector at 10:00 AM. Many organisations use external third parties to manage this so the ability to make bookings isn’t there for these logins.

Read-only role

As its name suggests, this role gives the person visibility on bookings, but no ability to edit or to make bookings. The view can be limited to a specific site, building, floor, or even room adding this Read-only user to the relevant groups (for example, third-party reception role).

Receptionist role

As its name suggests, this role gives the person visibility on bookings, but no ability to edit or to make bookings. The view can be limited to a specific site, building, floor, or even room simply by ensuring this Read-only user is added to the relevant groups. The main difference between this role and a Read-only role is that this role is allowed to manually add or check in visitors.

This role must have at least 1 reception location assigned to it. The Visitor List that they see will show visitors to their locations only and they won’t be able to see visitors for other locations, including in a cross-organisational resource sharing scenario.

User role

People with this role can make bookings, amend any bookings they have previously made, and see the availability of rooms, but have no level of access beyond this, which is most staff.

Location Manager role

A location in this instance can be a resource at any level. It can be 1 room, a group of desks in a zone, a whole floor, a building, or an entire organisation. A Location Manager can manage all bookings for this resource – book, edit, cancel, rebook. They are unable to amend any of the room or building settings. If the room is set to need approval for bookings, the Location Manager can review and approve these requests.

They can book a resource when the location is unavailable (for example, the location is unavailable between 6:00 PM and 12:00 AM, if this setting is switched on). If a Location Manager has the authority to approve a booking and they book that resource, Matrix Booking can automatically book it for them and not ask them to approve it. To request this is configuration setting to be switched as it’s switched off by default, raise a support ticket.

Note: these features are only available for the locations and resources that you are a Location Manager for. For all other locations, you’re are considered a standard user and have standard user access.

Location Administrator role

This role is designed to allow all the settings for a location to be managed locally (for example, room owner). You may have a Facilities Management (FM) team as Location Administrators for a building and a different FM team managing a different building. This level of access allows you to change all aspects of the location settings for all locations underneath them.

For example, if person A is the Location Administrator for a building, they can change all location settings for every room, desk, or any other resource, in that building. In addition to the settings, the Location Administrator is also able to edit all the bookings in that location in the same way that the Location Manager can. Settings that can be edited by a Location Administrator:

  1. Add and remove facilities from rooms.

  2. Add and remove layouts for rooms.

  3. Add and remove Location Managers and Location Administrators for resources that you’re a Location Administrator for.

  4. Change room, desk, zone, floor, building settings allowing you to:

    • Edit names of the resources (for example, Room 1 to Conference Room 1).

    • Availability (for example, don’t allow bookings before XX or after XX).

    • Whether the resource requires approval when booking.

    • If meetings need to be started and if they auto cancel if not started.

    • Setting forward booking limits.

    • Making cost codes mandatory.

    • Making attendee count mandatory.

    • Making meeting titles mandatory.

    • Enabling visitor passcodes (for self-service visitor kiosks).

    • Add, removing and moving resources (for example, rooms) in the hierarchy.

    • Restricting access to resources, such as rooms using groups.

    • Changing digital room signage options for these rooms or other resources.

    • Uploading images, floor plans, other media, and attachments.

Note: these features are only available for the locations and resources that you are a Location Administrator for. For all other locations, you’re are considered a standard user and have standard user access.

Administrator role

This level of access is normally performed by a key super user from within your organisation, but it can be kept at Matrix Booking if the correct resource isn’t available. Administrator access allows you to configure all the elements mentioned above, but for the whole site. In addition this role also allows you to:

  1. Invite users to the system.

  2. Manage users (for example, deactivating users or password resets).

  3. Add new users (for example, users, providers, read-only).

  4. Create, delete, and manage groups.

  5. Upload forward bookings.

  6. Edit and manage the internal and external directory.

  7. Upload and manage all images and media associated with a location or resource.

Note: for more information, see the full Administrator’s Guide.

System Administrator role

This is a Matrix Booking internal function and there are some additional configuration settings that can only be done by Matrix Booking. These include:

  • Uploading contacts or directories of users.

  • Removing resources that have historical or future bookings.

  • Adding different types of resources that weren’t part of the original setup.

  • Amending high level account settings, such as:

    • Turn on auto cancel reminders.

    • Amending the time that booking reminders are sent out.

    • Amending any of the configuration options that can drastically amend the whole organisation setup.

Note: contact us for a full list of these settings. They are explained and agreed upon during the business rules section of your implementation.

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