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Administrator's Guide – User account management

This page explains how to:

  • add a new user

  • edit a user

  • search for a user

  • update a user account

  • look at a user’s activity

  • reactivate and deactivate users

This page will also give information on what happens to bookings that a user has made and becomes deactivated (for example, the member of staff leaves your organisation).


  1. Self-registration

  2. Invite a new user

  3. Add a new user

  4. Edit a user

  5. Search for a user

  6. Update a user account

  7. Look at a user’s activity

  8. Reactivate user account

  9. Deactivate a user


You can check if your organisation has self-registration switched on and which domains are set up for your organisation:

  1. Log in to Matrix Booking as an Administrator.

  2. Select Admin in the top bar.

  3. Select Login Methods under the Security & Integrations section.

  4. Navigate to the Self-registration section.

Provided the email address matches 1 of the allowed domains set up for your organisation, users can self-register to Matrix Booking. They need to:

  1. Go to Matrix Booking.

  2. On the login screen, select Not registered? Click here to sign up.

  3. Enter their email address.

  4. Select Sign-up.

The user will be sent an email with a link that allows them to complete the sign-up process. If they select the email link, it will take them to the Matrix Booking web app where they can provide their contact details and create a password.


  • The email link for self-registration is only valid for 7 days.

  • To add allowed domains to your setup, contact our Support Team.

  • Email domains that span beyond your intended user base aren’t permitted. For example, an organisation called Obsidian River should only have domains ending in “”.

Invite a new user

Administrators can invite people to register as a user or connect to your directory. To invite a new user:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Invite Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.


  3. Select Add more to add more rows for more people.

  4. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to add into the Enter e-mail address text boxes.

  5. Select Invite.

  6. An invitation email will be sent to their inboxes and they will appear in the Pending Sign Ups section.

  7. Select send again to resend the invitation email.

  8. Select the (minus) Remove button to take that user off the list. They won’t be able to register with Matrix Booking.



  • Invitation emails expire after 7 days. After that, a new one will need to be sent out.

  • The invitation email may end up in the invitee’s junk folder. Ask them to check it if the email doesn’t appear in the inbox.

  • You can’t invite users to register with Matrix Booking if their email domain (for example, is associated with your SSO login method. All other users whose email domains differ can be invited using this screen. For more information, see our troubleshooting article.

Add a new user

To add a new user:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.


  3. Select New User in the filters ribbon. The New User pop-up will appear.

  4. Enter their email address.

    • If the first and last names can be extracted from the email address, they will be auto populated.

    • Enter their first and last names if the auto populated results are incorrect.

  5. Enter and re-enter a password for them.

  6. Enter their other details you have available (for example, phone number).

  7. Select the type of user they need to be based on the type of access they need (see our Access profiles and user accounts page).

    • For a normal user, select Standard.

    • For an app account (for example, Signage app), select System/API.

    • If required, enter the cost code and access card number.

  8. Select Save when finished.

Note: the user can change their password once they log in for the first time.

After adding a new user

Once you have set the new user up:

  1. Email them their user email and password.

  2. Ask them to log in.

  3. Their email address and login will be immediately active.

Optional text boxes

The optional (not required) text boxes are:

  • nickname

  • phone number

  • car registration

  • cost code

  • access card number

Warning: all other text boxes are mandatory and required.

Add a Signage or Kiosk user account with SSO

If you’re using Signage or Kiosk devices with our apps, normally these will have been set up for you in advance. However, if you’re providing your own hardware and just licensing the software only, you may need to set up your own login for the Signage or Kiosk apps on your devices. As this user account will never be used for sending or receiving emails, it doesn’t need a genuine email address. To set up this type of user account:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.


  3. Select New User in the top-right. The New User pop-up will appear.

  4. Enter the email address.

    1. If your domain is, we suggest using an email domain like this:

    2. If you have multiple buildings, you can add the building name to the email prefix like so:

    3. If the first and last names can be extracted from the email address, they will be autocompleted.

    4. Enter the first and last names if the autocomplete is incorrect.

  5. Enter and re-enter a password for them.

  6. Enter any optional details that may be required.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select Location Managers under the Location Settings section in the side menu.

  9. Add this account as a Location Manager for the building it will be managing.

Note: users are expected to update their profile page when required (for example, name or detail changes).

Add a Signage or Kiosk user account without SSO

If you don’t use an SSO product with us, the process is the same as above, but you can use your organisation’s email domains.

Edit a user

To edit a user:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.

  3. In the Filter search bar, enter the user’s name or other identifying details.


  4. Select the user’s email address. The Edit User pop-up will appear.


  5. Make the changes you need to.

  6. Select Save.

  7. To discard any changes, select Cancel.

Search for a user

To search for a user.

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu. A full list of users will be displayed in the main section of the screen, organised alphabetically.

  3. There are 3 ways that you can filter your search:

    • All Users drop-down list (default).

    • Choose Columns drop-down list (where Permissions tells you what the user has access to).

    • Filter text box (user’s first or last name or their email address).


      For example, “eth” for Ethan Crowe.


  4. Use these filters to search for a user (in the example above, “Mo” has been used in the Filter text box).

  5. All other users that don’t have “Mo” (case insensitive) in their email address, first or last name have been filtered out and hidden from view.

Note: In other parts of Matrix Booking, name searches aren’t performed until you enter at least 3 characters, but here the results are already there, so the filtering is immediate.

Update a user account

To update a user’s account:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.


  3. Search for the user and select their email address. The Edit User pop-up will appear.


  4. In the Edit User pop-up:

    • Update their email address.

    • Select Change Password to update their password.

    • Enter any optional details that may be required.

    • Change their permissions and account type if required.

  5. Select Save.

This can normally be managed internally by your Administrators. However, if you’re undergoing a bulk change (for example, all staff changing their email domain), it will be quicker to contact your Account Manager and request a “bulk email migration” that the Matrix Booking support team will carry out for you out of hours.

Tip: if you change a user’s details, remember to notify them as they won’t receive any automated notification.

Look at a user’s activity

You can use the All Users the Choose Column drop-down list as seen in the Search for a user section.

The number of users is displayed in the top-right corner of the Users screen. This can be useful because if you are getting close to your maximum number of user licences, you may wish to look for users that haven’t used the system in a certain amount of time. Filtering by the users’s activity can help you in removing unused accounts.

Use the All Users drop-down list

  1. Select the All Users drop-down list (default).

  2. Select the level of inactivity you wish to filter on.

  3. Search the users that appear in the list in the main section of the screen.

Use the Choose Columns drop-down list

  1. Select Choose Columns drop-down list.

  2. Tick the boxes you want.

  3. The tick boxes that will be of most help are:

    • Last Login.

    • Latest Booking.

    • Active.

  4. Once ticked, select away from the drop-down list.

  5. Select 1 of the column titles (for example, Name).

    • An arrow will appear.

    • If the arrow is pointed up, the lists will be organised in alphabetical order.

    • If the arrow is pointed down, the list will organised in reverse alphabetical order.


  6. Select the column title again to reorganise the list. In this example, the column Active was used; active users are at the top and inactive users at the bottom (other columns will filter in a similar way).


Reactivate a user account

Reactivate a user account after password lockout

If a user attempts to log in with an incorrect password, they’ll see this error message:


If a user makes 5 consecutive incorrect password attempts when logging in, the user will be locked out of the Matrix Booking system across all browsers and platforms of the application. The user will see this error message:


To unlock a user’s account:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.

  3. Go to the list of users or search for the user.

  4. Select the user’s name. The Edit User pop-up will appear. You’ll see at the top of the box a warning message stating the account is locked.


  5. Select Unlock.

  6. Select Save.

Warning: if a Signage or Kiosk account is locked, all the devices with that login will show a warning message saying “unable to connect.” When the account is unlocked, the message will be removed and the account be used again.

Administrators can also refer to the History tab on the Edit User pop-up for more information, this will give information on when a user:

  • was locked due to unsuccessful login attempt

  • was unlocked by a password reset

  • was unlocked by an Administrator

  • logged back in

This functionality exists for Matrix passwords only. SSO users can’t use this feature as this feature and information will be managed by your own SSO provider.


Reactivate a user account after deactivation

If a user account has been deactivated, it can be reactivated:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Deactivated Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.


  3. You can search for the deactivated account by:

    1. Going through the list.

    2. Typing their name or email address in the search bar.

  4. Select Restore next to the user.


  5. The user will now appear back in the user list.


Deactivate a user

To deactivate a user:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Users under the Security & Integrations section in the side menu.

  3. Go to the list of users or search for the user.

  4. Select the tick box to the left of each user you wish to deactivate or select the tick box next to the left-hand column title (for example, Email) to select all users.


  5. Select Deactivate ([number]) in the top-right of the screen, where the [number] tells you how many users have been selected. The Confirmation pop-up will appear.

    You may get this Confirmation pop-up if you’re deactivating a System/API user.

  6. Select Deactivate.

Note: once you have deactivated a user, they won’t be able to log in. The system will advise them when they try to log in that their account has been disabled.

Notes for deactivating users

  1. If your organisation is using SSO, the system will advise you that the user is linked to the SSO and shouldn’t be deactivated this way. They should be deactivated at source (within your own SSO/IdP provider).

  2. If the user is deactivated in your active directory and Matrix Booking synchronises with it overnight, the user will be marked as deactivated in Matrix Booking.

  3. If have deactivated any users, they can be found by selecting the Deactivated Users in the side menu of the Admin screen. You can search through the list of users or put their details into the search bar at the top of the screen.

  4. When you look at the All Bookings report, if a booking is held by someone that has been deactivated, the booking will be displayed with an [X] after the booking owner’s name:


  5. Any bookings a deactivated user had will be “orphaned” and will appear in the Orphaned Bookings report. These bookings can be reassigned to other users.

  6. You’ll be able to see who deactivated a user under the Deactivated By column in the Deactivated Users screen.



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