Administrator's Guide – Location Managers
Location Managers can be set at any level (for example, for an entire site, a building, a floor, or a room). This page explains how to do this.
To assign a Location Manager to a location:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Location Managers under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Begin to enter the specific location they are going to be a manager of into the Location text box. A drop-down list will appear.
Select the location.
Begin to enter the name of the person in the Who text box. A drop-down list will appear.
Select the administrator’s name.
Select Add.
They will be able to:
Book on behalf of someone else for resources in that location.
Edit any bookings for that location.
Delete any bookings for that location.
Location Managers can’t edit any of the Account Settings section (for example, Logos and branding or Banners). For more information on the access of Location Managers, see our Access profiles and user accounts page.
Location Manager training is available.
If you book a resource on behalf of someone else and they don’t have access to that resource, the booking will be successful as it’s the booking organiser’s access to the resource that’s considered by Matrix Booking.