Administrator's Guide – Declaration templates
This page explains how to configure your declaration template and the features associated with it.
During certain circumstances, you may wish to request your visitors (or even your staff) to complete a questionnaire before arrival at the office. Matrix Booking has the ability for you to configure a declaration template and attach it to a location, such as a building or a region. Any visitors to that location are automatically sent an email advising them that they need to complete the declaration.
For any location, if you have enabled staff bookings (such as desk bookings) to be added to the visitor list, the reception teams as well as seeing staff bookings and visitors in the list they’ll also see their declaration status so they can confirm access. If someone has forgotten to complete the declaration, it can be completed on-site verbally. This can be added to the visit record to log that it was completed on-site. Due to the sensitive nature of medical data, the declaration forms can be constructed and worded how you wish. However, we only store the fact a visitor or staff member has ticked and accepted (whatever you have in your declaration form).
Create a declaration template
To create a declaration template:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Declaration Templates under the Account Settings section in the side menu.
Select Add New Template.
Enter the information required (mandatory in the Add Declaration Template section).
Select View formatting guide to see how to format your text (for example, create bold text).
Enter the optional information in the Additional Information section.
Select Preview to preview your content without publishing it (PREVIEW MODE will be enabled).
Select Save to publish your content.
Edit a declaration template
To edit a declaration template:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Declaration Templates under the Account Settings section in the side menu.
Select Edit.
Re-enter the information you need to.
Select Preview to preview your edited content without publishing it (PREVIEW MODE will be enabled).
Select Save to publish your edited content.
Note: it isn’t possible to delete a declaration.
Assign a declaration to a reception or location
Once a declaration template has been created, it can be assigned to a reception. To do this:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Locations and Resources under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Select the Focus button or Edit button on your site or building level.
Search for your reception or location you want to assign your declaration to.
Select the Edit button next to that resource.
The Edit [resource] pop-up will appear. In this example, the reception has been set as a desk.
Select the Settings tab.
Go to the Visitors section.
Select the Override global settings tick box.
For declarations to be sent to staff as well as visitors, select the Include internal staff in the visitors list tick box.
Select the Visitors must sign declaration tick box. If there’s only one declaration, this will be automatically selected.
If there are multiple declarations available, a drop-down will appear.
Select the declaration you need from the drop-down.
Select Save.
Once a declaration has been assigned to resource, the Declaration Templates list will update to show which locations are assigned to which templates. In this example, the Reception of the Ground Floor in the Manchester Office has the Health Declaration for visitors to sign:

Sign a declaration
Once the above setup is complete, any internal staff or external visitors with email addresses who have visits created for today will automatically get a declaration reminder email sent to them:

To sign a declaration:
Select Complete declaration when you receive your declaration email.
A new tab will open with the declaration to sign.
Select the I have read and agree to all the statements above tick box.
Select Save Declaration.
You’ll receive an email to confirm that you have signed the declaration.
Send declarations
The following rules relating to when declarations are sent:
If a visit is created for today, the declaration reminder email will be sent immediately.
If a visit is created for tomorrow and the current time is before today’s booking reminder time, the declaration reminder email will be sent at the booking reminder time.
If a visit is created for tomorrow and the current time is after today’s booking reminder time, the declaration reminder email will be sent immediately.
For all other future visits, the declaration reminder email will get sent at the booking reminder time on the day before the visit.
Visitors List and witness checking in
On the Visitors List in the Reports section of Matrix Booking, there are two columns related to declarations:
Declaration Name (displays the declaration short name).
Declaration Status, which displays one of the following three statuses:
NOT COMPLETED – this is when a declaration is required for the visit and hasn’t yet been completed.
COMPLETED – this is when a declaration is required for the visit and has been completed.
BLANK – this is either because the booking reminder time hasn’t yet passed (meaning the declaration reminder email hasn’t been sent) or there’s no declaration associated to that reception.
To check a visitor in:
Select Reports in the top bar.
Select Visitors List under the Visitors section in the side menu.
Select the Choose Columns drop-down.
Select the Declaration Name and Declaration Status tick boxes.
Go to the visitor’s booking in the list.
Select Check in.
The Check in [visitor] pop-up will appear.
Under the Declaration Info section, it will tell you if the visitor has completed the declaration or not. If they have, you’ll be able to select Check in or Add and Check in.
If the visitor hasn’t completed the declaration, you can ask them to complete it in front of you. This means that you can select Declaration completed on check in tick box.
Select Check in or Add and Check in.