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Administrator's Guide – Help text

Help text is a section of text that describes and explains how to perform a particular function. This page explains how to set up help text and how to link them to e-learning modules.


  1. Default settings

  2. Create help text

  3. Complex support process

Default settings

When customers select the HELP option in Matrix Booking, a simple form is displayed by default. This form can be emailed directly to one of your support teams or your Administrators.

Note: while the text box is blank, you’re using the standard form.

Create help text

If you wish to set up your own text instead of the default form:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Help Text under Booking Options in the side menu. This opens the Help Text screen.

  3. Enter your help text into the text box in the middle of the screen.

    1. By default, the box will be blank.

    2. While it’s blank, you’re using the standard form.

  4. Select the ? button for a formatting tutorial on more complex effects (for example, adding images, logos, or formatting).

  5. Select Preview to see how it will look to customers.

  6. Select Save to keep your help text.


  • If you wish to amend where this form is sent, raise a support ticket providing the new email address. 

  • Keep the text easy to read and concise.

Complex support process

For organisations where there’s a more complex support process, instead of a single form going to a single email address, an Administrator can write their own support text to go into this help box. The help text can include:

  • websites links

  • mailto links

  • formatting

Note: give people clear contact details for how to get support and who the Administrators are in your company, so they can contact them directly.

This example gives the names of the Administrators to contact if staff have any issues. There are links for staff to raise official support tickets with your organisation using your own internal support tools. It includes your logo, and in this example, there’s the Getting Started section that is the link to our e-learning modules.

Note: the logo used in the help text can either be one you provide to us or it can be a link to your own publicly facing logo. The dimensions we used for the generic logo are 225 x 66 pixels for the ideal display size.


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