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Administrator's Guide – Matrix Booking Insight

This page describes our Matrix Booking Insight and the different dashboards you can use.


  1. Who can access Insight?

  2. Get to Insight from the web app

  3. Get back to the web app

  4. Dashboards

  5. Business intelligence for informed decision-making

Who can access Insight?

By default, Administrators can access Insight and the three core dashboards.

If you want someone in your organisation who isn’t an Administrator to have access to Insight, raise a support ticket and provide their email address. We’ll sort out their access for you.

Access to non-core dashboards

If you want your Administrators or any other additional users to have access to non-core dashboards (for example, Sense and access control dashboards), contact your Account Manager to discuss this.

We’ll work out any additional costs for any products you want with Insight, Administrator access to any non-core dashboards, and any additional user access for you.

Access to bespoke dashboards

If you want bespoke dashboards created for your Administrators or any other additional users, contact your Account Manager to discuss this.

We’ll work out any additional costs for any products you want with Insight for your bespoke dashboards, Administrator access to your bespoke dashboards, and any additional user access for you.

Move Insight user access

You can move user access between staff members should you need to or should someone move on to a new role at no extra cost. If you would like to reassign an existing user’s access to another colleague, raise a support ticket and provide the:

  • email address of the current user

  • email address of the user the access should be reallocated to

Get to Insight from the web app

To get to Insight from the web app:

  1. Select Reports in the top bar. The Reports page will appear.

  2. Select Matrix Booking Insight under the Bookings section in the side menu.


  3. This will redirect you to Insight. As you were already logged in on the web app, you won’t need to log in to Insight.


Get back to the web app

To get to the web app from Insight:

  1. Select Menu in the top bar. A drop-down menu will appear.

  2. Select Switch to Matrix Booking.


  3. This will redirect you to Insight. As you were already logged in on Insight, you won’t need to log in to the web app.



The different core dashboards you can access are:

  1. Booking History – understand who is booking what resources, when, and for how long.

  2. Resource Usage – understand which resources are being used.

  3. Building Attendance – understand how many of your employees are attending your offices.

Business intelligence for informed decision-making

The idea behind providing your Administrators with this information is so that you can make informed decisions on how your organisation is set up within Matrix Booking as well as the correct utilisation of resources.

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