Administrator's Guide – Reception sharing
This page explains how you can share a reception with other organisations, which is especially useful when two or more organisations are sharing the same location or building.
Create a reception
To create a reception:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Locations and Resources under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Select the Focus button next to your location or region to open its hierarchy.
Select the Edit button next to your reception (this is normally at the building level).
The Edit [Resource] pop-up will appear.
Select the Settings tab.
Go to the Visitors section (see the Visitors page).
Select the Override global settings tick box.
Select Save.
Share a reception
Shared reception are for hubs where an organisation owns the building and allows tenant organisations to occupy the hub organisation’s offices or floors. To share a reception, contact your Account Manager and they will sort this out for you. Both the hub and tenant organisations need to do this.
Map a shared reception
When a hub organisation shares a reception that has been set up in their Location and Resource hierarchy, the tenant organisation needs to add their own visitors to a dummy reception that’s shared with the hub organisation. This means that on the Visitors List for the hub organisation, there will be multiple receptions that represent the same reception.
Now that your shared reception has been set up, these receptions can be mapped to represent the same reception within Matrix Booking.

Note: you must create a shared reception before this section will appear.
To map a shared reception:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Sharing Networks under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Go to the Reception Mapping section at the bottom of the page.
Select Show unmapped shared receptions to see the receptions that are not mapped.
Select Map receptions. The Map receptions pop-up will appear.
Select the reception in your organisation from the drop-down list.
Enter the receptions that are being shared by the tenant organisations.
Select Save.
Edit a shared reception
To edit a shared reception:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Sharing Networks under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Go to the Reception Mapping section at the bottom of the page.
Select Edit.
Make the changes you need to.
Select Save.
Remove a shared reception
To remove a shared reception:
Select Admin in the top bar.
Select Sharing Networks under the Location Settings section in the side menu.
Go to the Reception Mapping section at the bottom of the page.
Select Remove. The Remove reception mapping warning pop-up will appear.
Select Remove.
Shared reception’s Visitors List report
Once your shared reception has been setup, you’ll see a consolidated Visitors List report.
To see the Visitors List report:
Select Reports.
Select Visitors List.
Select Host Organisation using the Choose Columns drop-down list.