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Administrator's Guide – Resource sharing

This page explains how you can share a resource (for example, desks or rooms) with other organisations. This is especially useful where two or more organisations are sharing the same location or building and wish to for all staff of the building to book all available resources.


  1. Share a resource

  2. Edit a shared resource

  3. Add groups to a shared resource

  4. Book a shared resource

Share a resource

To share a resource with another organisation, you must first add your resource. After this, you must set up a resource-sharing network, which can be done at the same time as sharing a resource. To set these up:

  1. To enable resource sharing with another organisation, contact your Account Manager. This request must be initiated by the organisation that currently owns the resources (the sharer). 

  2. Once resource sharing has been enabled, select Admin in the top bar.

  3. Select Sharing Networks under the Location Settings section in the side menu to see your sharing networks.

Once you have shared a resource with another organisation (the sharee), it will be visible to the sharee’s staff. It’s the sharee’s responsibility to add any additional security they require (for example, limiting it to a particular group that’s in the sharee’s organisation). The sharer will have no visibility of the sharee’s security settings.

Edit a shared resource

To edit a shared resource:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Sharing Networks under the Location Settings section in the side menu.

  3. Select the Edit button next to a sharing network.


  4. The Edit Sharing Network pop-up will appear.


  5. To change the name of the sharing network, select the sharing network name. The name will appear in an editable text box.

  6. Enter the new sharing network name in the Sharing Network Name text box.


  7. To add the locations or resources you want to share, type the name of the location or resource. A drop-down will appear.

  8. Select the location or resource you want to share from the drop-down list.


  9. To remove the locations or resources you don’t want the other organisation to have access to, select the X next to the location or resource.

  10. Select Save.

  11. To discard any changes, select Close.

Add groups to shared resources

When resources are shared, only the security restrictions from the sharer organisation are applied to the resource, but these are limited for a sharee organisation as it can only be controlled by domain (users from other organisations aren’t visible to the sharer organisation).

To set restrictions on who can access another organisation’s resource:

  1. Add a domain group or advanced group.

  2. Select Admin in the top bar.

  3. Select Resource Sharing under the Location Settings section in the side menu.

  4. Select the location you want to have restrictions against from the Location drop-down list under the Security Restrictions section.

  5. Select the groups you wish to have restrictions against from the Restrict Access To drop-down list.

  6. Select Add and the restrictions will be applied.


  1. Security for your own locations is managed in the normal way through Locations and Resources.

  2. To remove these restrictions, select the Remove button.

Book a shared resource

In a cross-organisation scenario, users from all sharing organisations can book shared resources in the normal way.

Booking limits

If a user in the sharee organisation wants to book a resource that resides in the sharer’s organisation and further in advance than the forward booking limit will allow (for example, six months in advance when the forward booking limit for that room is only three months), the user needs to contact the sharer organisation. A Location Administrators or Location Managers will be able to book the room for the user.

The sharer organisation will have a Location Administrators or Location Managers that can override the forward booking limit. To book the room in the user’s name from the sharee organisation:

  1. The user of the sharee organisation must supply their email address to the sharer organisation’s Location Administrator or Location Manager.

  2. The Location Administrator or Location Manager creates the booking in the normal way.

  3. Add the user’s email address to Name text box.

  4. Complete the booking process.



  • The user will see the new booking in their My Bookings screen.

  • This process only works for resources that are shared. It won’t work for resources that have been restricted to one organisation only.

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