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Administrator's Guide – Location and resource settings

This page describes how to manage and edit a location’s or resource’s settings. Each sub-page explores the different tabs you can manage in the Edit [Location or Resource] or pop-up.


From the Locations and Resources screen, there are two ways of editing a location or resource. To edit a location or resource:

  1. Select Admin in the top bar.

  2. Select Locations and Resources under the Location Settings section in the side menu.

  3. Select Edit hierarchy.


  4. Your Locations and Resources hierarchy will appear.


  5. Select the 📝 Edit button next to the location or resource you want to make changes to.

  6. The Edit [Location or Resource] pop-up will appear.



Within this area, you can change a huge range of features. The Edit Location or Edit [Resource] pop-up is split into six tabs:

  1. General tab

  2. Media tab

  3. Roles tab

  4. Availability tab

  5. Settings tab

  6. Options tab

Note: you can edit these settings at every level of your hierarchy.


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