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Administrator's Guide – Location and resource settings: Settings tab

This tab allows you to change the fundamental settings of a location, such as time zones. Within this tab, you can change a huge range of settings. The Settings tab is split into 11 sections:

  1. Time zones

  2. Availability type

  3. Advance booking rules

  4. Approvals

  5. Attendee count

  6. Buffer times

  7. Check-ins

  8. Cost codes

  9. Email notifications

  10. Signage

  11. Texts

  12. Visitors


  • To change any setting under any of the sections in the Settings tab, select the Override global settings tick box in that section.

  • If this is replaced with Override [location or resource], it means that there are settings inherited from that location or resource. The settings you change at a lower level will override those made at the higher level in your resource hierarchy.

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Time zones

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